Quick access to all the educational media and apps you need

Introducing Edupool Marketplace — the clever way to purchase, view and share quality educational media and apps. Safe, secure and ad-free.

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Edupool marketplace – noch mehr Wissen
Are you a producer? Learn more about how you can publish educational materials directly to your end customers on the Edupool Marketplace.
Media and apps for digital school education
Our mission is to improve the teaching experience by making access to digital educational resources as easy as possible.
Edupool provides an easy way to discover and purchase high-quality media and apps from leading content producers in Germany. Whether you're a teacher or a student, you can easily use, share, and manage this content, all within a single, safe, and secure platform.
Ipad mit Medienliste
Find all the content you need on Edupool Marketplace
Educational videos and interactive media
Apps like calculator, vocabulary trainer, etc.
Online tools for video conferencing etc.
Textbooks, atlases and a wide range of publisher content
Streamlined management and sharing of media
Immediate activation of purchased media
Simplified content management through media lists
Easy content sharing through learning groups
Individual media libraries and lists for students
Flexible licence management
Precise content allocation to specific grade levels
Support for school licences
Support for personal licences
Seamless integration with your federal state ‘Mediathek’
How it works
Purchasing and licencing
Find media and apps in Edupool Marketplace
Browse high-quality media, digital books and apps that you can purchase directly through our Edupool shop, or from the publisher's shop.
We accept most common payment methods.
Screenshot of Edupool showing a log in form
Log in or sign up to Edupool
To access your purchased products, you’ll need an Edupool account. When you buy products sold through our shop, they are automatically added to your personal media list, ready for immediate use upon logging in.
If you’ve acquired media from a provider's shop, you’ll need to manually license them in your account. To do this, simply enter the license code you received via email.
Screenshot from Edupool showing a dropdown menu with a link to redeem licence codes
Redeem your licence code
Have you made a purchase from a provider's website? To gain access, enter the license code you received in your purchase confirmation email. In Edupool, click on "Redeem license code" and enter your code. Your media will then be added to your library and ready to use.
How it works
Viewing and managing media
Screenshot from Edupool showing a dropdown menu with a link to "My media"
Viewing your media
In the "My media" section, you'll find all the media you've purchased. If you've bought a product through a provider's shop, it will show up here once you've entered the license code.
Seamless usage
All media can be used directly within Edupool — there's no need for additional external software.
Screenshot from Edupool displaying a modal window with an input field to redeem a licence code
Transfer licenses to your Edupool media library
If you have access to an Edupool government media library, you can easily redeem your licenses there.